git note

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git init

add remote url

git remote add origin repo-url

delete remote url

git remote rm origin

clone from remote

git clone repo-url

check status

git status

add all changes

git add .     #add all file in current folder
git add -A    #git

add some file

git add file-path

commit to repo

git commit -m 'comment'

remove all commits not in origin/master

git reset --hard origin/master

push to remote

git push 


git log                 #查看最近 提交
git log -10         #查看最近 提交 -10
git log --graph     #查看最近 提交 --graph
gitk                #GUI查看提交记录,需要用homebrew 升级git
gitk file-path        #GUI查看filefile-path提交记录

git log --decorate
git log --decorate --all --oneline --graph


git checkout .
git checkout <commit number> <filename>  #**常用**
git checkout 3f33b7959ff97715d69e418620895d98b811f8cb folder-name/* #恢复某folder-name下所有文件到 3f33b7959ff97715d69e418620895d98b811f8cb


git revert 

view branches

git branch             #查看本地分支
git branch -a         #查看本地和服务器分支

create new branch

git branch new-branch-name

switch branch

git checkout branch-name         #切换到branch-name

git merge from dev to master

git checkout master
git merge dev

delete branch

git branch -D branch-name                     #删除本地分支branch-name

git push origin --delete branch-name       #删除服务器分支branch-name


git checkout --track -b branch-name-on-local origin/branch-name-on-server


git diff master origin/master             # 比较 master(本地) 和服务器 master 的差异

push to server

git push origin branch-name-on-server


git tag                                 #查看所有标签
git tag v0.1.2-light                    #创建轻量标签
git tag -a v0.1.2 -m “0.1.2版本”        #创建附注标签

git checkout tag-name
git tag -d v0.1.2                     #删除标签
git tag -a v0.1.1 9fbc3d0             #补打标签

git push --tags

通常的git push不会将标签对象提交到git服务器,我们需要进行显式的操作:

git push origin tag-name             #将tag-name标签提交到git服务器
git push origin –tags                 #将本地所有标签一次性提交到git服务器

push all

git push --all                         #push 所有branch
git push --all origin                 #push 所有tag 和所有branch到服务器