今天macbook pro 到了 心情大好
发个blog 纪念一哈
I don’t know a native way yet, but you can do it following this recipe:
Set the source repository as upstream:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/{user}/{source-repo}.git
Fetch the full upstream repository. (Right now, you only have a copy of its master branch.)
git fetch upstream
Make your file system copy the branch you want and give it any name:
git checkout upstream/{branch-in-question}
git checkout -b temporary
Publish your repo using the GitHub desktop application.
On the GitHub website, open your repository and click ‘settings’.
Delete the master branch on your shell and make a new master branch:
git branch -d master
git branch master
git checkout master
git -d temporary
Once more, publish your repo using the GitHub desktop application.
On the GitHub website, open your repository and click ‘settings’.
This should be what you were looking for. Perhaps GitHub will provide a more convenient way to do this in future (e.g., clicking “Fork” from a project’s branch results in exactly this behaviour).
文件名须反映出其实现了什么类 – 包括大小写。遵循你所参与项目的约定。
类别的文件名应该包含被扩展的类名,如:GTMNSString+Utils.h 或GTMNSTextView+Autocomplete.h
以 is
BOOL isShouldReload;
BOOL isLoading;
以 s
结尾 或者 Array
NSArray *users;
NSArray *messages
以 Dic
结尾 或服务器返回对象
NSDictionary *dateDic;
NSDictionary *message;
以 String
结尾 ,字段可以不用String
NSString *urlString;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString * topId;//尽量与服务器统一
以 class
结尾 尽量不使用btn
UIButton *loginButton
UITextField *passwordTextField;
UIButton *login;
UITextField *password;
以 on
typedef void(^OnCompletion)(API *, id value);
typedef void(^OnFailed)(API *, id error);
OnCompletion onCompletion;
OnFailed onFailed;
February 4, 2015
Showing first 200 notices only
Mach O Link Error- linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
E79CDDB501B68E74DDF03EA4E75246A7FDF010D0: no identity found Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > View Details > And just refresh the Provisioning Profile
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
将Apple LLVM compiler 4.2 - Language ->c++ Standard Library 修改为 libstdc++ (GNU C++ standard library)
Could not change executable permissions on the application.
Delete the app, restart iPhone
中国大陆 www.google.cn
沙特阿拉伯 www.google.com.sa
澳大利亚 www.google.com.au
罗马尼亚 www.google.ro
马来西亚 www.google.com.my
加拿大 www.google.ca
埃及 www.google.com.eg
智利 www.google.cl
以色列 www.google.co.il
法国 www.google.fr
土耳其 www.google.com.tr
希腊 www.google.gr
新加坡 www.google.com.sg
阿联酋 www.google.ae
中国台湾 www.google.com.tw
英国 www.google.co.uk
瑞典 www.google.se
波兰 www.google.pl
西班牙 www.google.es
阿根廷 www.google.com.ar
意大利 www.google.it
中国香港 www.google.com.hk
比利时 www.google.be
德国 www.google.de
法国 www.google.fr
英国 www.google.co.uk
日本特别行政区 www.google.co.jp
韩国 www.google.co.kr
意大利 www.google.it
瑞士 www.google.ch
加拿大 www.google.ca
以色列 www.google.co.il
荷兰 www.google.nl
比利时 www.google.be
智利 www.google.cl
阿根廷 www.google.com.ar
巴拿马 www.google.com.pa
奥地利 www.google.at
波兰 www.google.pl
俄罗斯 www.google.com.ru
巴西 www.google.com.br
新西兰 www.google.co.nz
维京群岛 www.google.vg
find dir-path -name .DS_Store -delete
or cd to the path
find . -name .DS_Store -delete
git init
add remote url
git remote add origin repo-url
delete remote url
git remote rm origin
clone from remote
git clone repo-url
check status
git status
add all changes
git add . #add all file in current folder
git add -A #git
add some file
git add file-path
commit to repo
git commit -m 'comment'
remove all commits not in origin/master
git reset --hard origin/master
push to remote
git push
git log #查看最近 提交
git log -10 #查看最近 提交 -10
git log --graph #查看最近 提交 --graph
gitk #GUI查看提交记录,需要用homebrew 升级git
gitk file-path #GUI查看filefile-path提交记录
git log --decorate
git log --decorate --all --oneline --graph
git checkout .
git checkout <commit number> <filename> #**常用**
git checkout 3f33b7959ff97715d69e418620895d98b811f8cb folder-name/* #恢复某folder-name下所有文件到 3f33b7959ff97715d69e418620895d98b811f8cb
git revert
view branches
git branch #查看本地分支
git branch -a #查看本地和服务器分支
create new branch
git branch new-branch-name
switch branch
git checkout branch-name #切换到branch-name
git merge from dev to master
git checkout master
git merge dev
delete branch
git branch -D branch-name #删除本地分支branch-name
git push origin --delete branch-name #删除服务器分支branch-name
git checkout --track -b branch-name-on-local origin/branch-name-on-server
git diff master origin/master # 比较 master(本地) 和服务器 master 的差异
push to server
git push origin branch-name-on-server
git tag #查看所有标签
git tag v0.1.2-light #创建轻量标签
git tag -a v0.1.2 -m “0.1.2版本” #创建附注标签
git checkout tag-name
git tag -d v0.1.2 #删除标签
git tag -a v0.1.1 9fbc3d0 #补打标签
git push --tags
通常的git push不会将标签对象提交到git服务器,我们需要进行显式的操作:
git push origin tag-name #将tag-name标签提交到git服务器
git push origin –tags #将本地所有标签一次性提交到git服务器
push all
git push --all #push 所有branch
git push --all origin #push 所有tag 和所有branch到服务器
$ gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/
$ gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/
$ gem sources -l
# 请确保只有 ruby.taobao.org
$ gem install rails
Create a New Repository
Go to your https://github.com and create a new repository named USERNAME.github.com
install jekyll
commit ur changes to github,visit USERNAME.github.io